Deals that make sense!

“Mary wished to say something very sensible, but knew not how.” – Jane Austen, Pride and Prejudice.

The complication of the modern world lies in the mismatch of sensibilities. Maybe this is an error in judgement; otherwise it is a decision by intent. Whatever the case, the market forces are causing a major technology migraine. There is no escape from the nuisance of irrelevant deals messages, annoying telemarketing calls, meaningless spam, preview ads and front page banners and the like!

A choice can be truly made only in isolation. It exists where freedom exists.

We, at Dealocx, understand this choice, this quality of freedom and we have justified this in our app. Belief in the ideals of simplicity has fired our imagination to craft the perfect platform for deals, rewards, reviews and most importantly- CHOICE.

You can avail of discounts and offers from a delectable platter of restaurants, pubs and cafes that tickle your taste buds. And the best part is that it doesn’t leave your wallet as light as feathers of the chicken you just made a good meal of!  You can search for and choose to be notified of custom-made deals and updates from your favourite joints across town.

There are other value added services too! Based on your transaction history using Dealocx, you will earn reward points in the form of casino-style chips. You can use these chips to redeem against services like e-tail purchases, mobile recharges, cab services, movie tickets and much more.

Finally you have the choice to break free from the web of coercive marketing strategies and make your life your own. No more irrelevant deals messages, annoying telemarketing calls, meaningless spam, preview ads and front page banners and the like!

Know your choices and make them. Make them with your own sensibility.

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